With decades of experience, EXMAR has established itself as a leader in managing a wide variety of shipping and offshore projects. Our comprehensive approach to project execution ensures that every phase, from construction to conversion, is managed with precision and expertise.
During the construction of newbuilds or conversion projects, EXMAR deploys a dedicated site supervision team at the shipyard. This team reports to the site manager, who in turn reports directly to the project manager at EXMAR. This structured reporting system guarantees continuity, stringent quality control, and seamless interface management between the plan approval and site supervision teams.
- EXMAR’s Project
- Execution Services Include:
- Project Management
- Equipment Selection & Procurement
- Fabrication Selection
- Plan Approval
- Construction Supervision
- Contracts Engineering and Administration
- Risk Analysis
Over the past 25 years, EXMAR has successfully managed the construction and conversion of over 130 vessels of various types and sizes, from initial concept to final delivery. Notable achievements include:
- 1978: Delivery of the world’s largest LNG Carrier at the time, Methania
- 2002-2004: Development and introduction of the marine regasification plant onboard LNG Carriers
- 2002-2004: Creation of a reinforced LNG cargo containment system for offshore unloading operations
- 2002-2004: Development and implementation of a buoy mooring system for high-pressure natural gas offloading
- 2005: Delivery of the world’s first LNG regasification vessel (FSRU Excelsior)
- 2005-2009: Pioneering LNG Ship-to-Ship (STS) cargo transfer operations, from concept design to industry acceptance
- 2008: First application of the new sLNGc® cargo containment system with increased cargo tank pressure rating, enhancing regasification and STS operations
- 2015: Development of the world’s first small-scale 16,100 m³, 0.5 MTPA FLNG (Floating Liquefied Natural Gas) unit
- 2017: Launch of the first mid-scale 26,320 m³ FSRU (Floating Storage and Regasification Unit)
- Multiple Projects: Upgrades, life extension, and conversion of numerous FSRUs
- Arctic Operations: Conversion of the first LNGC to FSU suitable for Arctic environments
- US Gulf of Mexico Projects:
- OPTI-EX production semisubmersible for the Who Dat Field
- Delta House production semisubmersible
- King’s Quay production semisubmersible
- 2022: Eemshaven LNG upgrade, transportation, installation and commissioning
- 2023: Tango FLNG and Excalibur upgrade, transportation, installation and commissioning
EXMAR’s involvement in newbuilding projects spans numerous shipyards worldwide, enabling us to successfully and promptly complete complex projects in diverse environments. This success is driven by the close follow-up and collaboration of our dedicated site teams.