Care for today, respect for tomorrow
ESG principles
EXMAR honours and respects the general ESG principles in our everyday business. These principles are translated in eight practical key strengths, embedded in our strategic decisions and in our daily operations.

- We respect the fundamental human rights and freedoms. We do not tolerate discrimination of any kind on grounds of race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.
- We commit to use the resources, oceans, land, and natural habitat sustainably throughout our supply chain taking account of (local) environmental and societal factors.
- We grow corporate value through quality of education, diversity and inclusion, active stakeholder engagement and involvement of local communities and regions.
- We strive to be at the forefront of transforming or implementing new technologies that minimize the impact on our natural resources, reduce the release of greenhouse gases and have no negative consequences to the environment. We join the industry on the road to decarbonisation.
- We insist on maintaining the highest safety standards throughout our operations, our supply chain and in the services provided to us.
We apply a zero-tolerance for modern slavery in our supply chain. This includes but is not limited to child labour, human trafficking and forced or bonded labour. - We will not tolerate any form of bribery, facilitation payments or fee-based recruitments made during business or services related to EXMAR.
ESG Strategy – EXMAR key strengths

Climate change mitigation:
- Efficient operation
- Optimize propulsion (SEEMP: power limitation, trim optimization, hull cleaning,…)
- Cleanest FSRU on the planet – Operating on shore power (Eemshaven)
- Innovation & Engineering
- LPG and ammonia as fuel
- CO2 carriers and floaters
- Convert LNG-C vessels to FSRU
- Exploring floating wind turbines
- Gas molecules as transition
- Avoid flaring (Tango-Excalibur)
- Energy security (Eemshaven)
- Sustainable energy sources (LPG/ NH3 instead of coal – Support to renewables)
- Strong design
- Transport more cargo for less CO2 (new build midsize Gas Carriers)
- Invest in new vessels (sell old vessels)
- Increased liquefaction efficiency (FLNG)
Own workforce:
- Safety Maturity
- Taking the Safety Lead
- Behaviour based safety
- Act as one family
- Partnerships for recruitment
- Training and development
- Extra benefits employees
- High regulatory standard
- More than a license to operate
- Client and compliance audits and certification
- Assurance
- Industry Influence
- Suggest regulatory changes
- Committed against facilitation and bribery
Compliance is an integral part of the overall business strategy and operations of the whole organisation
An evolution in industry has been taking shape for some time. More and more businesses are profiling themselves…