EXMAR has been a key player in numerous major upgrades, refurbishments, and conversions of various offshore and maritime assets, including oil tankers, FPSOs, FSOs, drilling ships, drilling semisubmersibles, jack-ups, LNG carriers, FSRUs, and FLNG. Our services span every stage of the project lifecycle, from concept development and FEED studies to life extension assessments, plan approval, design supervision, conversion oversight, and on-site commissioning.
Drawing on decades of operational experience, EXMAR seamlessly integrates acquired knowledge into each design, ensuring projects meet the highest standards of efficiency and performance. Our expertise is focused on the following key areas:
- Topsides Upgrades: Leveraging our extensive experience, EXMAR fine-tunes and enhances existing topside designs to align with specific project requirements, delivering optimal operational efficiency and effectiveness.
- Life Extension: With a Ship Management division that has been operating LNG carriers since 1978, EXMAR uses its in-depth knowledge to assess every piece of equipment on board. Depending on the project’s required lifespan, we refurbish, replace, or decommission equipment to ensure continued optimal operation in line with project demands.
- Project-Specific Upgrades: Each project has unique requirements that must be seamlessly integrated into the overall design. EXMAR excels in customizing solutions to meet these specific needs, ensuring the success of the project.