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Seven leading players sign cooperation agreement for the transport of hydrogen

November 2019

The climate target to reduce CO2 emissions in Belgium by 80% by 2050 compared to 2005 levels is a major challenge. Hydrogen has an important role to play in the mix of solutions to achieve results. That is why Deme, Engie, EXMAR, Fluxys, Port of Antwerp, Port of Zeebrugge and WaterstofNet are joining forces. A joint study serves as a basis to coordinate delivery of concrete projects that shape the production, transport and storage of hydrogen.

In a first phase, the partners will make a joint analysis of the entire hydrogen import and transport chain. The aim is to map the financial, technical and regulatory aspects of the various components in the logistics chain: production, loading and unloading and transport by sea and via pipelines. The outcome of the analysis must be a roadmap that indicates the best way to transport hydrogen for the various applications in the energy and chemical sector. The results of this analysis, which is expected to be ready in approximately one year, will form the bridge towards concrete projects.

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